Marijuana Legalization Passes in 5 States

In every state where marijuana legalization was on the ballot this past week – it won.

In Arizona, Montana, and New Jersey—where medicinal use is already permitted—voters approved recreational use. Mississippi voters decided to legalize medical marijuana in the state, and South Dakota voters decided to legalize both recreational and medical use.

Additionally, in Oregon – where marijuana use is legal – drug laws relaxed further. Oregon became the first state to decriminalize the possession of small amounts of cocaine, heroin, and methamphetamine. Supporters say the removal of punishments for nonviolent drug offenses and increased social services could help substance abusers get their life back on track.

These results regarding medical and recreational marijuana use indicate the wave of marijuana legalization that we are seeing across the country. 35 states now allow medical use, and 15 of those states and Washington, D.C., will also allow recreational use.

New Jersey will likely be the spark to ignite legalization of recreational marijuana in many eastern states like New York, Connecticut, and Pennsylvania. And the Mississippi vote to legalize medical marijuana may spark southern states to follow suit. 

Now is the time – employers should review their existing drug testing or substance abuse policies and determine how to address any applicant or employee’s positive test result.







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