How To Host A Company Party: Behind the Scenes Exclusive With Our Party Planning Committee

“Behind every great party is a great party planning committee.” That quote holds true, here at Validity. Thanks to our party planning committee, we’re able to have some of the best parties a company could ask for! Becky, Holly, Ryan, and I have decided to give you an exclusive, behind the scenes look of how we plan some of the best parties here at Validity – boosting morale and taking charge of company culture.

Party Planning

If you guessed that planning parties was the most important part of being on the party planning committee, you would have guessed right! Before every party or event we always take the time to plan everything out, and we start with the “what”, “when”, and “where.”

Having the “what” “when” and “where” is crucial in the party planning process. We first decide on what the party is going to achieve or going to be themed around, we then move to when it’ll be, and then finish off with where we can have it. The “where” is usually the easiest because most times it’s in the office, but for those few parties that aren’t we ensure to plan and brainstorm which venue to choose for the party.


To ensure we’re throwing the best parties for our company, our team meets once every quarter to plan and brainstorm all upcoming events. During this time we talk about what themed parties to host, venues to pick out, and new fun ideas for the office to try.

Using time to brainstorm is crucial for planning our parties. It gives us the opportunity to knock ideas back and forth and to really get the juices going. We credit brainstorming for helping us come up with one of our favorite parties this year, like Dip Day (aka my favorite day)!


You’re probably reading this and thinking to yourself “Obstacles? Their parties sound so great how could they possibly run into obstacles?” Well we do, but we power through them! From ensuring we pick the perfect dates and times to having to deal with our budget, it pushes us to just be more creative to ensure our party’s success.

When you’re on a party planning committee, it’s not expected that you’re going to have a massive budget or that you’re not going to have a few hiccups. But that’s our favorite element because it makes things exciting. To power through our obstacles, we take this opportunity to be creative and to find ways around our obstacles to ensure that the company parties are fun for everyone!

It’s Okay To Fail

Failing is inevitable. At some point it’s going to happen, and we’re no stranger to it. There’s been events where we’ve had a “Grinch” or people who didn’t want to participate in the party. But the only way to get past it is to learn from it, and not let it get you down. Our team makes sure to take note of what worked and what didn’t and we apply that when we’re planning our next party. You don’t become a great party planning committee without having a few stinkers, but ensure you’re coming back from them stronger than ever.

Why Company Parties Help With Culture

Having company parties is great! Just like when you were a kid and had parties at school, for that one day you were able to relieve some stress and not worry about that big algebra test you had coming up. Company parties bring employees together and increase morale. It creates a fun culture for your office. When everyone gets along and enjoys coming to work, it makes for a great work environment and allows for coworkers to get to know each other better in a casual setting. Having this fun and strong company culture makes your employees happy to come into work, even on Mondays! So check out our morning podcast here  to see just how excited we are on Mondays and every other day of the week.

Well that’s how the sausage is made! I hope you enjoyed the full behind the scenes exclusive look of our party planning committee. Be sure to follow us here  on Facebook to see pictures and videos of all of our parties and events.

Closing Thoughts

We’d love to know what you think! Leave a comment below to tell us your thoughts. Did you like this blog? Great! Then check out another one of our great blogs to learn about different ideas for parties your company could throw. To learn more, or if you have any questions, please email me at For more great blogs and content please subscribe to our blogs.