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The Validity Team

A Professional Team With A Personal Touch

Validity Leadership

Darren Dupriest
President & CEO
Amy Benz
Director of Investigations
Andrea Bishop
Director of Quality Assurance
Kaymee Phillips
Director of Product Management
Kim Wilson
Director of Client Relations
Rebecca Green
Director of Business Development

Validity Team Members

Aimee Driskell
Product Development Strategist
Aimee Ross
Client Services Specialist
Amelia Tersinar
Client Services Specialist
Amethyst Love
Client Services Specialist
Amy Arena
Sr. Drug Testing Specialist Randoms
Amy Spray
Sr. Quality Assurance Analyst
Andrea French
Order Management Specialist
Ashlee Beauchamp
Quality Assurance Analyst
Ashley Anderson
Sr. Client Onboarding Specialist
Ashley Hamilton
Verification Specialist
Becky Barnett
Human Resources Manager
Bryna Elliott
Sr. Order Management Specialist
Caitlin Smith
Product Development Strategist
Cassandra Lueb
Document Management Lead
Cathy Newby
Client Relations Manager
Chelsea Reynolds
Order Management Specialist
Chris Harness
Verification Specialist
Christie Meysembourg
Verifications Specialist-Special Processing
Darian Wilson
International Services Coordinator
Destiny Wright
Order Management Specialist
Dierdre Rogers
Document Management Specialist
Gracie Powell
Quality Assurance Analyst
Heather Gisel
Research Lead
Jennifer Driscoll
Sr. Abuse/Neglect Registry Specialist
Jenny Helms
Product Development Lead
Jessica Johnson
Quality Assurance Analyst
Jodi Woydziak
Sr. Quality Assurance Analyst Verifications
Joseph Damti
Client Relations Manager
Kaitlin Martin
Client Relations Manager
Katie DeCoy
Order Management Lead
Kim Harms
Compliance Strategist
Laura Unger
Sr. Research Specialist
Lauren Vasquez
Research Specialist
Lea Breitling
Internal Development Strategist
Lisa Guinn
Research Specialist
Luma Sonnier
Client Onboarding Lead
Madison Bedwell
Drug Testing Lead
Mandy Stevens
Client Services Specialist
Meghan Wheeler
Client Relations Manager
Olivia Gonabe
Client Relations Manager
Peachlyn Robinson
Quality Assurance Analyst
Rory Watkins
Specialty Products Manager
Sara Conklin
Client Services Lead
Shannon Murphy
Drug Testing Specialist
Shelby Warren
Research Specialist/Marketing Specialist
Skylar Foley
Marketing Lead
Stacey Felz
Research Specialist
Taylor Baze
Verifications Lead
Trisha Elliott
Continuous Improvement Manager
Wendi Riggens
Verification Specialist

Partner With Validity Screening Solutions

Get screening solutions customized specifically to your organization’s needs quickly, accurately, and efficiently.

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Meet The Team That Makes it All Possible

Our team members are all trained in Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) compliance and receive a certification from the Professional Background Screening Association (PBSA). We’re not all business, though. Our office is full of characters that keep things light.

When you initiate background checks through our ordering system, it doesn’t dissolve into an automated process using algorithms to collect information from a magical criminal database in the sky. No, your employment screening needs are handled by a team of professionals who consider themselves a part of your hiring efforts.